Friday, February 7, 2014

Dr. Pier Needs You! by President Dr. Jeffrey A. Bell

Dear Friends,

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

Dr. Russell K. Pier is the founder of Faith School of Theology. He was president of the school for 47 years and taught for 50 years. He and his wife, Joan, presently live in Groveland, Florida. This past week he was hospitalized with an intestinal obstruction.
When he leaves the hospital, it will be necessary for him and his wife to move into an assisted living complex in Lakeland, Florida. At the present time they are short on finances to do so. They need approximately $1200.00 per month added to their income to do this. We thought if we could get 120 people to pledge $10 a month, we could help them. 

This event has opened our eyes to the establishment of a retirement fund for our staff and faculty at Faith School of Theology. However, at this time it has not been set up, therefore your donation will not be tax deductible until we have arranged for this fund.

The alumni of Faith School of Theology have been touched by this man of God. Can you do something on a monthly basis to touch his life, in the next few days? If you can, go to and select the Retirement Fund project. 


(Dr.) Jeffrey A. Bell
pictured: Dr. Russell & Joan Pier


  1. i'm not entirely sure on what "link to the right" i should be looking for.. would you mind posting it a little more prominently? sorry! and thank you. :)

  2. how can u use credit card to donate
